Metropolis Americas 2024
Migration Governance in the Americas: A Shared Vision
Migration Governance in the Americas: A Shared Vision
December 12-13, 2024
National Press CluB
529 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20045, United States
Across the Americas substantial and spontaneous migration persists thus resulting in increased and varied challenges for policy-makers and civil society. Across the Americas there are several bilateral/binational migration agreements on such issues as temporary labour mobility, international students, border security, asylum governance, refugee resettlement, credential recognition and others. But divergent national interests and domestic political considerations have made it increasingly difficult to secure multi-nation cooperation on migration between immigrant sending and receiving countries. It is nonetheless imperative to identify the converging or shared elements of a broader Americas vision if we’re to effectively meet the many and varied challenges ahead. With a focus on the best means for fostering cooperation on migration across the Americas this edition of Metropolis Americas invites policy-makers, researchers and civil society to submit proposals for workshops and round tables on the following topics.
Hotel recommendations
Please book early as there are many events in Washington the week of our event and many hotels will sell lout.
Hilton Garden Inn
815 14th Street N.W.,Washington, DC 20005USA
Hotel guestrooms are available at the conference rate from $229 per night. Deadline to obtain the rate is November 18, 2024
Book here to obtain the conference rate ACS Washington Block 2024
Reservations may also be made by mentioning your reservation is for the ACS Metropolis Americas conference by telephone by contacting the reservations department at (202)-783-7800
Hotel Washington
The Wiklklaes Center - 15 15th St NWWashington, DC 20004, United States
Hotel wesite:
Hotel guestrooms are available at the conference rate from $279 per night.
Book here to obtain the conference rate ACS Washington Room Block 2024
Reservations may also be made by mentioning your reservation is for the Metropolis Americas conference - code
8174730 by telephone by contacting the reservations department at (202) 661-2400
Conference Venue

The National Press Club
located at 529 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20045.
For Directions Visit:
about the Metropolis Institute
The Metropolis Institute (MI) pursues research and supports policy deliberations while providing key national and multinational platforms for knowledge mobilization.
Supporting cross-sectoral cooperation, the Metropolis Institute serves as a trusted bridge for interaction, dialogue and learning between practitioners, policymakers, researchers and civil society through national and multinational knowledge mobilization programs.
We aim to provide reliable and timely research, data and analysis to enhance understanding of migration, integration and inclusion.
Metropolis Institute has three flagship publications that are integral to its knowledge transfer mandate.
1. The Canadian Issues magazine showcases academic work in the form of short essays designed to expand Canadians’ knowledge about their country.
2. A second publication, Canadian Diversity, introduced in 2000, focuses on the challenges confronting Canada and other countries arising from migration and rapid demographic change.
3. A third publication - The Metropolis eBook - highlights a selection of the cutting-edge cross-sectoral presentations in the immigration field intended for the annual Metropolis Canada Conferences.