Poland 2025
International Forum on Holocaust Memory and Learning in an Age of Manipulated Information: Marking the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz
(See Polish below)
(Poniżej przedstawiono wersję polską)
International Forum on Holocaust Memory and Learning in an Age of Manipulated Information: Marking the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz
JANUARY 28-29, 2025 | Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
As we approach the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp on January 27th, 2025, preserving the memory of the Holocaust and transmitting its lessons to future generations represent a growing challenge. While the Holocaust has the dubious distinction of being one of the best documented mass atrocities in human history, the passage of time is robbing us of the living evidence provided by survivors and eyewitnesses. The spread of disinformation on digital platforms have also facilitated and amplified narratives that excuse, minimize, or misrepresent the Holocaust.
In Krakow, Poland, on January 28 and 29, 2025, the Metropolis Institute and the Jagiellonian University will convene educators, researchers, thought leaders, community representatives and Holocaust survivors and their children in order to:
- assess the global state of Holocaust knowledge;
- examine the key challenges posed by Holocaust denial and distortion;
- identify best practices in preserving memory and conveying Holocaust knowledge and;
- outline the lessons to be learned in the ongoing fight against anti-Semitism and all forms of racism.
On the end of the day of January 28th, participants in the Forum will be invited to participate in a guided visit of the Auschwitz Museum.
For additional information contact miriam.taylor@acs-aec.ca or raissa.sintcheu@acs-aec.ca
Światowe Forum Pamięci i Wiedzy o Holokauście w czasach zmanipulowanych informacji w 80. rocznicę wyzwolenia obozu Auschwitz
28-29 STYCZNIA 2025 roku|Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Polska
W miarę zbliżania się 80. rocznicy wyzwolenia obozu zagłady Auschwitz (27 stycznia 2025 r.) zachowanie pamięci o Holokauście i przekazanie płynących zeń nauk przyszłym pokoleniom stanowi coraz większe wyzwanie. Pomimo tego, że Holokaust jest jedną z najlepiej udokumentowanych masowych zbrodni w historii ludzkości, upływ czasu pozbawia nas żywych dowodów dostarczanych przez ocalałych i naocznych świadków. Rozprzestrzenianie się dezinformacji na platformach cyfrowych również ułatwia i wzmacnia narrację, która usprawiedliwia, minimalizuje lub fałszywie przedstawia Holokaust.
W dniach 28 i 29 stycznia 2025 roku z inicjatywy Instytutu Metropolis i Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego zgromadzą się w Krakowie edukatorzy, badacze, autorytety intelektualne, a także przedstawiciele lokalnych społeczności oraz ocalali z Holokaustu i ich dzieci, by:
- ocenić globalny stan wiedzy o Holokauście;
- zanalizować kluczowe wyzwania związane z negowaniem i wypaczaniem Holokaustu;
- określić najlepsze praktyki w dziedzinie dbałości o pamięć i przekazywanie wiedzy o Holokauście;
- sformułować wnioski z toczącej się walki z antysemityzmem i wszelkimi formami rasizmu.
W dniu 28 stycznia po południu uczestnicy forum będą mogli zwiedzić z przewodnikiem Muzeum Auschwitz.
International Forum on Holocaust Memory and learning in age of manipulated information: Marking the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Aushwithz
JANUARY 28-29, 2025 | Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Dr. Min Zhou is currently Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Asian American Studies and Director of the Asia Pacific Center at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Her main research areas are in migration & development, race and ethnicity, the new second generation, Chinese diasporas, the sociology of Asia and Asian America, and urban sociology. She has published widely in these areas, including Chinatown: The Socioeconomic Potential of an Urban Enclave, Growing up American: How Vietnamese Children Adapt to Life in the United States (with Bankston); Contemporary Chinese America, The Accidental Sociologist in Asian American Studies, The Asian American Achievement Paradox (with Lee), The Rise of the New Second Generation (with Bankston), Contemporary Chinese Diasporas (ed.), and Beyond Economic Migration: Historical, Social, and Political Factors in US Immigration (eds., with Mahmud). She was the recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Career Award of the American Sociological Association (ASA) Section on International Migration and the 2020 Contribution to the Field Award of the ASA Section on Asia and Asian America.
Dr Katarzyna Du Vall is an attorney at law. She also holds a doctor of law degree. She graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. In 2019, she defended a doctoral dissertation on “Polish law in the face of totalitarian regimes, in the regulations of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the criminal code”, which she defended with distinction.
She also holds a degree in political studies from Jagiellonian University’s Faculty of International and Political Studies. She is a recipient of a scholarship from the University College London - School of Slavonic and East European Studies. Dr. du Vall holds a research and teaching position at the Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations of the Jagiellonian University. She teaches classes in intellectual property law and media law.
For additional information contact miriam.taylor@acs-aec.ca or raissa.sintcheu@acs-aec.ca
Submission Form - International Forum on Holocaust Memory 2025
Please find below the hotel we recommend near the conference venue:
FORUM reception and visit of the AUSCHWITZ Museum
Tuesday, January 28th - 5:30pm-7:30pm
Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Pologne
We do not have travel subsidies for presenters.
For additional information contact miriam.taylor@acs-aec.ca or raissa.sintcheu@acs-aec.ca
Click on a price to register
Details will be published shortly. Thank you.
about the Metropolis Institute
The Metropolis Institute (MI) pursues research and supports policy deliberations while providing key national and multinational platforms for knowledge mobilization.
Supporting cross-sectoral cooperation, the Metropolis Institute serves as a trusted bridge for interaction, dialogue and learning between practitioners, policymakers, researchers and civil society through national and multinational knowledge mobilization programs.
We aim to provide reliable and timely research, data and analysis to enhance understanding of migration, integration and inclusion.
Metropolis Institute has three flagship publications that are integral to its knowledge transfer mandate.
1. The Canadian Issues magazine showcases academic work in the form of short essays designed to expand Canadians’ knowledge about their country.
2. A second publication, Canadian Diversity, introduced in 2000, focuses on the challenges confronting Canada and other countries arising from migration and rapid demographic change.
3. A third publication - The Metropolis eBook - highlights a selection of the cutting-edge cross-sectoral presentations in the immigration field intended for the annual Metropolis Canada Conferences.