Poland 2025
Migration, Diasporas and Settlement Forum
Migration, Diasporas and Settlement Forum
Poland 2025
January 30-31, 2025 | ul. Reymonta 4 30-059, Kraków, Poland
Polskie tłumaczenie pojawi się wkrótce
The process of migration can have an important impact on both destination and source countries. Migrants and their children who maintain ties to their country of origin, whether familial, cultural, social, economic, political or other, are referred to as members of diasporas. Among diaspora groups, distinct historic experiences and narratives have contributed to important variations in ongoing relationships with countries of origin and patterns of identity formation in countries of adoption. Over recent decades, changing migration patterns, globalization and technological advances have both facilitated and made more complex, these multifaceted relationships.
In destination countries, responses to migration trends have generated both challenges and opportunities. Growing fears and anxieties about immigration levels, for instance, have reinforced tendencies to regard migrants, whether designated as exiles, expatriates, alien residents, transnationals, dual/multiple-citizens or refugees, as ‘the other’ in their countries of adoption.
On January 30 and 31, 2025, the Metropolis Institute and partners will hold an international conference on Migration, Diasporas and Settlement. The aim is to reflect on how evolving diaspora engagement affects policies and practices in migrant sending and migrant receiving counties. We invite submissions in a variety of formats (workshops, roundtables and posters) that include but are not limited to the topics mentioned.
Migracje, diaspory i osiedlenia Konferencja
Polska 2025
30-31 stycznia 2025 r. | Kraków, Polska
Proces migracji może mieć istotny wpływ zarówno na kraje docelowe, jak i kraje pochodzenia. Migranci i ich potomkowie, którzy utrzymują z krajem pochodzenia więzi rodzinne, kulturowe, społeczne, ekonomiczne, polityczne czy inne, są określani jako członkowie diaspor. Odmienne doświadczenia historyczne i narracje rozmaitych grup diaspory przyczyniły się do istotnych różnic w ich bieżących relacjach z krajami pochodzenia i wzorcach kształtowania tożsamości tych grup w przybranych ojczyznach. Zmieniające się ostatnich dziesięcioleciach wzorce migracji, globalizacja i postęp technologiczny zarówno ułatwiły, jak i skomplikowały te wieloaspektowe relacje.
W krajach docelowych reakcje na trendy migracyjne przyniosły zarówno wyzwania, jak i możliwości. Na przykład rosnące obawy i niepokoje związane z poziomem imigracji wzmocniły w tych krajach tendencje do postrzegania migrantów jako „innych”- niezależnie od tego, czy są oni postrzegani jako wygnańcy, emigranci, cudzoziemcy, bezpaństwowcy, obywatele wielu państw.
Instytut Metropolis i jego partnerzy dniach 30 i 31 stycznia 2025 r. organizują międzynarodową konferencję na temat migracji, diaspor i osiedleń. Jej celem jest refleksja nad tym, w jaki sposób zmieniająca się aktywność diaspory wpływa na politykę i obyczaje w krajach wysyłających i przyjmujących migrantów. Zapraszamy do nadsyłania zgłoszeń udziału w konferencji w różnych formatach (warsztaty, okrągłe stoły i plakaty), obejmujących między innymi poniższe tematy.
Migration, Diasporas and Settlement Forum
Poland 2025
January 30-31, 2025 | Krakow, Poland

Dr. Jack Jedwab is President of the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS) and the Metropolis Institute, which oversees Canada’s largest conference on immigration and integration. He is also the Director of Metropolis Americas, and founder and publisher of Canadian Diversity and Canadian Issues.
He holds a Ph.D. in Canadian History from Concordia University, and he has taught at McGill University and the Université du Québec à Montréal.
From 1994-1998 he served as Executive Director of the Quebec branch of the Canadian Jewish Congress where he spoke on behalf of the interests of the Jewish community and other identity groups. Notably, during Quebec’s 1995 Referendum campaign, he took leadership by uniting with Greek and Italian counterpart organizations to speak on behalf of the members of these communities who had strong attachments to Quebec and Canada.
Dr hab. Jan Brzozowski is an economist with major specialization in international migration research. He is currently an associate professor at Institute of European Studies at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland and the head of the Jagiellonian Centre of Migration Studies at this university. His professional interests include immigrant, ethnic and refugee entrepreneurship, migrant’s socio-economic adaptation, financial and social remittances and migrants’ transnationalism.
He has published as author in such journals as Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, International Migration, International Migration Review, European Urban & Regional Studies or Post-Communist Economies. He has coordinated & participated in several research & applied projects in the field of international migration, including Horizon Europe, Interreg Central Europe, Erasmus +, and National Research Centre (PL) grants.
Recipient of Emerald Literati Award 2022.

Dr hab. Konrad Pędziwiatr – Deputy Director of Caspar. He holds PhD in Social Sciences from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) and MA in European Studies from the University of Exeter (UK), and in Sociology from the Jagiellonian University (Poland). Associate researcher in the Centre for Migration Research, professor in the Department of International Affairs at the Cracow University of Economics, researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies of Population and Religion (CASPAR) and initiator-coordinator of the Multiculturalism and Migration Observatory (MMO).
Author of numerous publication on religion and ethnicity in the processes of migration, Islam and Muslims in Europe, religious dimensions of migration studies and social movements in Europe and the Middle East published inter alia in such scientific journals as Patterns of Prejudice, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Social Compass and Gender, Place and Culture.
Keynote speakers
Migration, Diasporas and Settlement Forum
Poland 2025
January 30-31, 2025 | Krakow, Poland

Dr. Min Zhou is currently Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Asian American Studies and Director of the Asia Pacific Center at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Her main research areas are in migration & development, race and ethnicity, the new second generation, Chinese diasporas, the sociology of Asia and Asian America, and urban sociology. She has published widely in these areas, including Chinatown: The Socioeconomic Potential of an Urban Enclave, Growing up American: How Vietnamese Children Adapt to Life in the United States (with Bankston); Contemporary Chinese America, The Accidental Sociologist in Asian American Studies, The Asian American Achievement Paradox (with Lee), The Rise of the New Second Generation (with Bankston), Contemporary Chinese Diasporas (ed.), and Beyond Economic Migration: Historical, Social, and Political Factors in US Immigration (eds., with Mahmud).
She was the recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Career Award of the American Sociological Association (ASA) Section on International Migration and the 2020 Contribution to the Field Award of the ASA Section on Asia and Asian America.
Pr Marco MARTINIELLO, BA in Sociology; PhD in Social and Political Science, European University Institute Florence (Italy) is Research Director at the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS). He teaches Sociology and Politics at the University of Liège.
He also taught at the College of Europe (Natolin, Poland) from 2008 to 2016. He is the director of the Center for Ethnic and Migration Studies (CEDEM) at the University of Liège and the Director of the Institute for Social research.

January 30-31, 2025 | ul. Reymonta 4 30-059, Kraków, Poland
We do not have travel subsidies for presenters.
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Faculty of International and Political Studies
January 30-31, 2025 | ul. Reymonta 4 30-059, Kraków, Poland
about the metropolis institute
The Metropolis Institute (MI) pursues research and supports policy deliberations while providing key national and multinational platforms for knowledge mobilization.
Supporting cross-sectoral cooperation, the Metropolis Institute serves as a trusted bridge for interaction, dialogue and learning between practitioners, policymakers, researchers and civil society through national and multinational knowledge mobilization programs.
We aim to provide reliable and timely research, data and analysis to enhance understanding of migration, integration and inclusion.
Metropolis Institute has three flagship publications that are integral to its knowledge transfer mandate.
1. The Canadian Issues magazine showcases academic work in the form of short essays designed to expand Canadians’ knowledge about their country.
2. A second publication, Canadian Diversity, introduced in 2000, focuses on the challenges confronting Canada and other countries arising from migration and rapid demographic change.
3. A third publication - The Metropolis eBook - highlights a selection of the cutting-edge cross-sectoral presentations in the immigration field intended for the annual Metropolis Canada Conferences.