21st Metropolis Canada Conference
Doing Immigration Differently
21st Metropolis Canada Conference
Doing Immigration Differently
March 21-23, 2019
Halifax Convention Centre
1650 Argyle Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Conference Program
To view the presentations, click here.

Jennifer Watts
CEO, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS), Halifax, Nova Scotia

Professor Howard Ramos
Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology / Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

The Honourable Lena Metlege Diab
Q.C., ECNS, Minister of Immigration, Minister of Acadian Affairs & Francophonie, Government of Nova Scotia
Ms. Diab was first elected in 2013 to the Provincial Assembly representing Halifax Armdale, and appointed to Executive Council of Nova Scotia as the first female Attorney General and Minister of Justice as well as Minister of Immigration. In July 2015, the Immigration portfolio became her exclusive cabinet position. She was re-elected to the Legislature on May 30, 2017 and was appointed both Minister of Immigration, and Minister of Acadian Affairs and Francophonie.
Ms. Diab is passionate about making Nova Scotia more diverse. Under her leadership, the province has welcomed more immigrants, strengthened its immigration program, and built global networks.
She is the daughter of Lebanese immigrants to Canada and the eldest of six children. Born in Nova Scotia, she was raised in Lebanon for 8 years, and returned to Halifax in the face of civil war at the age of 11.
Prior to entering politics, she led a successful legal career for over 20 years. Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Political Science, a Masters of Public Administration and a law degree. In 2018, she was appointed the Queen’s Counsel designation— the appointment is awarded to members of the legal profession to recognize exceptional merit and outstanding contributions to the legal community.
Ms. Diab has received numerous honours and accolades, including: the Lebanese Chamber of Commerce in NS Professional Award, the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, the Progress Women of Excellence Award, and the Canadian Council of Ambassadors of the Arab League Award.

Mike Savage
Mayor of the Halifax Regional Municipality
On October 15, 2016, Mike Savage was elected Mayor of Halifax Regional Municipality for a second term based on a platform of sustained progress in making the Halifax region a place where residents can live, belong and thrive.
Mayor Savage was first elected on October 20, 2012, running on a platform to make Halifax the most liveable, entrepreneurial and inclusive city in the country; principles that continue to shape his work at City Hall and in the community.
Active member of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Big City Mayors’ Caucus, Mike Savage is also a strong voice in support of local economic development, immigration, social equity, and infrastructure investment.
In October 2015, he was selected by his counterparts from across the country to co-chair the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Syrian refugee response task force. The role allowed him to draw on his long political experience to help draw cities together to share best practices in response to the Syrian refugee and resettlement.
Prior to his election as Mayor, Mr Savage served as Member of Parliament for Dartmouth-Cole Harbour from 2004 until 2011, during which time he played a national role as Official Opposition Critic for Human Resources, Social Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities.
Plenary 1: Thursday, March 21, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
The Role of Cities in Attracting and Settling Newcomers
Immigration has largely been a policy consideration at the national level. In Canada, it has increasingly been a responsibility shared by provinces. However, it is at the community level that newcomers are physically welcomed and integrated. As urbanization rates continue to increase globally, cities play a more and more important role on the frontline of the settlement process. Plenary speakers will offer insights on the role played by cities in immigration. The opportunities and barriers faced by cities in working with immigrants, refugees, and other newcomers will also be considered.
- Session Chair/Moderator: Professor Howard Ramos, Dalhousie University
- Mike Savage, Mayor of Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Dawn Arnold, Mayor of Moncton, New Brunswick
- Véronique Lamontagne, International Relations Advisor, International Relations Office, City of Montreal
- Professor Michael Haan, Western University, London, Ontario
Plenary 2: Thursday, March 21, 10:45 am – 12:15 pm
Refugees and Asylum Seekers in North America: Policies, Practices and Partnerships
This plenary will identify and discuss the major challenges North America currently faces with regard to refugees and asylum seekers. Plenary speakers will look at how and why certain policies and practices have evolved in the continent in recent years. Panelists will look at the role the countries of the region play on the international stage around the admission of refugees. Speakers will suggest measures needed to enhance cooperation between countries when it comes to issues relating to refugees and asylum seekers, and/or propose policies that might ameliorate the conditions giving rise to ongoing refugee flows.
- Session Co-Chairs/Moderators: The Hon. Marlene Jennings, P.C., LLb., Montreal, Quebec / Adam Hunter, U.S. Chair, Metropolis North America and Migration Policy and Strategy Consultant, Washington, D.C.
- Anne Richard, Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University, Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration in the Obama Administration (2012-2017), Washington, DC, USA
- Agustin Escobar Latapi, Director General, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Mexico City, Mexico
- Dr. Julia Gelatt, Senior Policy Analyst, Migration Policy Institute, Washington, DC, USA
- Professor François Crépeau, Director, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Hans & Tamar Oppenheimer Chair in Public International Law, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
Plenary 3: Friday, March 22, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Shaping the story of Refugees and Immigrants in the News
Over the last decade, immigration has becoming increasingly politicized and the media has played a front and centre role in shaping the story of newcomers and their experiences in Canada. This plenary engages journalists, academics and service providers who work in the field and/or cover newcomer issues in the news. Plenary speakers will reflect on the shifts in popular discourse around asylum seekers, refugees, and openness to immigrants. Speakers will analyze the conflicting perceptions and misconceptions in today’s shifting political climates.
- Session Chair/Moderator: Celine Cooper, Concordia University / former columnist with the Montreal Gazette, Montreal, Quebec
- Louisa Taylor, Director, Refugee 613, Ottawa, Ontario
- Michael Tutton, The Canadian Press, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Professor Kelly Toughill, Polestar Immigration Research, University of King's College, former journalist and deputy executive editor of The Toronto Star / past director of Canadian Journalists for Free Expression and a current director of the Gordon Sinclair Foundation, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Madeline Ziniak, Chair, Canadian Ethnic Media Association / Chair, Ontario Canadian Broadcast Standards Council / Former Broadcast Executive, Toronto, Ontario
Plenary 4: Saturday, March 23, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Immigration on the Margins
While an overwhelming majority of immigrants land in Canada’s three major cities, our country’s secondary cities and regions are experiencing population declines because of low birth rates, out-migration, and difficulty in attracting newcomers. This plenary examines immigration issues in secondary regions, looking at the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program and other innovative measures to attract immigrants to communities outside of the biggest metropoles. Panelists will offer perspectives on new programs, demographics, and experiences from the government, academic and service providing sectors.
- Session Chair/Moderator, Dr. Harjeet Bhabra, Dean of the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Professor Barry Edmonston, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia
- Ken Walsh, Association for New Canadians, Corner Brook, Newfoundland
- Cathy Woodbeck , Executive Director, Thunder Bay Multicultural Association, Thunder Bay, Ontario
- Lara Dyer, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Ottawa, Ontario and Shelley Bent, Nova Scotia Office of Immigration
In addition to the four plenary sessions, the conference will feature over 140 workshop, panel, round table and poster sessions to be posted February 1, 2019.
Note that this year the conference will run from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on all three days.
Pre-Conference Events
21st Metropolis Canada Conference
Wednesday March 20, 2019
La Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA)
presents a Forum on Francophone Immigration:13e Journée de réflexion sur l’immigraton francophone

Special Events
21st Metropolis Canada Conference
DAY 1 – Thursday, March 21st
Metropolis Welcoming Reception: The Canada Lecture & Visit to Pier 21
Thursday, March 21, 2019. 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21
1055 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS, B3H 4P7
Please join us for the 2019 Metropolis Welcoming Reception, hosted at Pier 21. This year’s reception will include a walk-through tour of the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21. This will be followed by a reception and the Canadian Race Relations Foundation’s (CRRF) annual Canada Lecture, featuring the inspiring entrepreneur and peacekeeping advocate Tareq Hadhad, founder of Peace by Chocolate. *Note: Bus transportation from the Halifax Convention Centre to Pier 21 will be available (one-way only).FREE EVENT – SPACE IS LIMITED TO 220 ATTENDEES – ONLINE REGISTRATION REQUIREDTo register.
Day 2 – Friday, March 22nd
A Gallery of Voices: Speaking Diversity Through Poetry
Friday, March 22nd, 2019. 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. City Hall, Halifax Hall 1841 Argyle Street (walking distance from the Convention Center)
Hosted by the Mayor of Halifax, Mike Savage, this event honours the International Day for the Elimination of Racism. Join poets, Afua Cooper, El Jones and Raymond Sewell, from the African Nova Scotian and Mi’kmaq communities as they give voice to issues of racism, inclusion, and diversity. The event will include a reception, poetry readings from local diverse spoken word artists, and networking.FREE EVENT – SPACE IS LIMITED TO 100 ATTENDEES – ONLINE REGISTRATION REQUIREDTo register.
21st Metropolis Canada Conference
March 21-23, 2019
Registration Type | Earlybird | Regular |
NGO / Student - One Day | $125 CAD | $175 CAD |
NGO / Student - Three Days | $250 CAD | $350 CAD |
Regular - One Day | $180 CAD | $250 CAD |
Regular - Three Days | $350 CAD | $450 CAD |
Click on a price to register
Metropolis Welcoming Reception: the canada lecture & Visit to Pier 21
Thursday, March 21, 2019, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM, Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, 1055 Marginal Road, Halifax, NS, B3H 4P7 Click here to register. Click here to learn more. FREE EVENT – SPACE IS LIMITED TO 250 ATTENDEES – ONLINE REGISTRATION REQUIRED (TO COME)
A Gallery of Voices: Speaking Diversity Through Poetry
Friday March 22, 2019, 5:30 – 7:30 PM. City Hall, Halifax Hall, 1841 Argyle St (walking distance from the convention centre) FREE EVENT – SPACE IS LIMITED TO 100 PARTICIPANTS – ONLINE REGISTRATION REQUIRED (TO COME) Click here to register.
Attention Atlantic Canadian Students!
A limited number of registration and subsidies are available for students from the Atlantic region. Click here to learn more.
Cancellation Policy
Refunds less a $25.00 cancellation fee will be given for cancellations received in writing to metropolis@acs-aec.ca prior to February 18, 2019. Following this date, no refunds will be given.
Book a Hotel Room
Hotel guestrooms are available at the conference rate of $134.00 per night. Book online to obtain the group rate for Metropolis Conference delegates. The deadline to obtain the special conference rate is March 5, 2019. Limited rooms are available.
The Barrington Hotel (1875 Barrington Street)
Hotel guestrooms are available at the conference rate of $128.00 per night. Book online to obtain the group rate for Metropolis Conference delegates or call (902) 429-7410 (reference code: ASSOC CDA STUDIES NA). The deadline to obtain the special conference rate is February 19, 2019. Limited rooms are available.
UPDATE: The block of rooms at the special conference rate is now sold out. Rooms may still be available at a different rate – please contact the hotel directly at 1-800-943-6760 if you are interested in staying at this hotel. Hotel guestrooms are available at the conference rate of $147.00 per night. Book online to obtain the group rate for Metropolis Conference delegates (booking code ACSACSA) – or call 1-800-943-6760 to reserve a room (remember to mention that you are booking a room under the “Metropolis Conference” room block). The deadline to obtain the special conference rate is March 1, 2019. Limited rooms are available.